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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Human Behavior..

For this discussion when I use the word ACT, this is what I mean:

ACT- Me as a human being. Not as an "actor" performing.

I wanted to touch on human behavior really quick. Now when I say "human behavior", I am not talking about how only "I" naturally act. You can observe real life every day, your own. Although self-awareness is very very important, I wanted to speak about humans as a whole. The world is our teacher. Most humans have the same habits because we all have a human connection. We have the same mechanics. We all have the same primal needs. We all want the same things in many different lights.

Observing everyone else's human behavior is wonderful. If you ever need to create a character who's childhood was nothing like yours or didn't grow up in the same city or state, then that "character" will have different life circumstances. Many small details will be different. That is when it pays to be specific. Not specific with your choices, objectives, obstacles, actions, but specific on the true facts that are given in the script about you. After you have the facts, then you can fill in the rest of the story. Why guess if you don't have to? After that, you can worry about the scene. Why learn the lines before you understand what they are really talking about, and/or who is talking about them?

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