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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

What does Living in the moment even mean?? What does that even mean?

Acting is what we call "creating real life in imaginary circumstances." When we say that, we mean that you must now understand what your life would be like if you grew up in the same circumstances of your character (life, love, beliefs, etc, etc, etc, list could go on forever if you focus on the details ... and you should). After understanding that, you should try to live at this point in time. The CURRENT. Living in the moment. Living in the circumstances that have been given to you by the script for each scene. Each scene being nothing more than a person living their life at that point and time. You should not have to act. You do not have to worry about anyone getting you on the sound system. Your job is not to make sure the light is hitting you right. You are not suppose to be acting at all. Because with a close up of a camera we can see if you are trying to act, or if you are just living and searching for that objective ... that thing you need or want. Stop worrying about learning your lines so much until you have understood what it is you want. If you sound like a broken record every time you re-do the scene with the same rhythm, the same pauses and stops; then you are not living in the moment, you are just re-enacting the scene you have directed in your head. Guess what? You are not the director; and that is not your job! Don't make emotional choices, and plot out your future. The future should always be able to be forgotten like you never read the script. The lines should come from you talking and listening to the other actor while you are in search of this need you have... So, stop acting. Acting will only get you to the stage. That is not where all actors want to go.

So, what does living in the moment even mean? Living in the moment is being able to forget all of the work and dedication you should have put into learning this character so that you do not have to think about being anyone else. You should live just like you are living now. While you read this, there was no acting. You were just reading at a computer or reading on the toilet. Whatever it is you do with your time is not my bag. The point is that you were not thinking of anything that is coming next in life because we should not know it.

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