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Saturday, April 13, 2013

Was I upset enough?

Actor- I'm sorry I got in my head because I didn't get as upset as I was supposed to.

Me- Do you know how crazy that sounds?

Actor- Apparently not.

Me- I wasn't as upset as I was supposed to be?  Where are the directions to the scene?

Actor- What do you mean?

Me- Acting is like real life right?  There is no way to do it right or wrong.

Actor- Yes.  Creating real life in imaginary circumstances.

Me- Then when in your life do you stop... Because you weren't upset enough?

Actor- Touche'

Do not act.   After you have done all the work, trust yourself that it has sunk in to your sub conscious and just live.  You should not decide how you will live in the scene nor what emotion you should have.  Good acting is still acting.  Stop Acting!  It's much easier.

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