This article is a little different then what you are used to. This article has to do with Science, and what you may or may not know in your daily life. Just read it and be open to the information. Staying open is one of the hardest things to do as human beings. We live in a tuff world, and we always want to say no or keep a big guard up because "if it's too good to be true, then it is right?" Let's talk about that for a second.
Don't get scared by any big words, but Quantum Physics tells us that we are all made up of energy. I am sorry, technically "All material things are made up of atoms (which are made up of subatomic particles - protons, neutrons, electrons, etc), which are 99.99999 percent energy and .00001 percent matter. Think about it―every physical thing in our life is not solid matter, but rather, fields of energy or frequency patterns of information. Matter is more “no-thing” (energy) than “some-thing” (particles). Our physical bodies and the body of the physical Universe are as proportionately empty as is all of space. The essential nature of our material bodies and that of the solid-appearing Universe is that they are both non-material. They are made up of non-stuff."
So, that being said, and I know this may blow some of your minds but these are facts. Scientific facts.
What does that have to do with me? Wait, I have one more FACT-
The “Observer Effect” in quantum mechanics states that at the subatomic level, energy responds to our mindful attention and becomes matter. Quantum experiments demonstrate that electrons (part of the subatomic particles that make up the atom) exist simultaneously in an infinite array of possibilities in an invisible field of energy. So, a particle (matter) cannot manifest (become solid) in ordinary space-time reality until we observe it. Knowing this, mind and matter can no longer be considered separate; they are intrinsically related, because subjective mind produces measurable changes on the objective, physical world. - See more at:
(In short, our thoughts affect outcomes in our physical world.)
Ok, so now we know that we are mostly energy fields living in a field of energy. Nothing is solid and can all be affected. Secondly, we know that everything can be affected by us, the Observer. Basically this is saying that the age old question, "If a tree falls in the forest but no one is there to see it, does it make a sound?" Well, the tree doesn't technically exist unless someone is there to observe it. You affect the tree by just thinking. Our energy field affects what happens to our Physical world all the time. And we just think we are at the mercy of God, or the elements or mother nature. In truth, we are all one big organism; and if most people think something, then guess what? Based on science, if the largest amount of conscious observers thinks something, then it will be affected in that way.
However, you can affect your own life. If you wake up, hurt your toe, and get in a pissy mood, then the rest of the day you are just expecting the bad things to happen to you. Guess what? They will - spill your coffee, late for your audition, dog craps on the floor, yes even dog crap. You knew I couldn't get through an article without letting out a poop metaphor.
To me, the hardest job of the actor is to continue. Not the craft, not the work, not the day job or auditions. To me it is being able to hear "no", "you are not good enough", "you are too old or too young", or "too ugly or too good looking", and still being able to see success in your future. Getting up every day and taking a step to making your reality come true. Not waiting to see what god is going to throw at you next. It's your life, your existence, and your energy. It's scary to make yourself understand or believe this because we have been told for so long things like, "it is what it is", or "those are the cards we are dealt." If you take the blame for making your life better, then it also means you have to realize that it is also your fault for all of the bad things that have happened in your life as well. Guess what? It's ok. Now you can make changes for the better; but you can't live in auto pilot. You have to be present.. OHHH that word familiar? That is what your acting coach says every time you work. We just have to stay present. Open.
Know that this doesn't make life any easier. Not at first. It is actually much harder to stay conscious through out your day and not let all the little hang ups bring you down or take your focus. It is way easier to say, "oh yeah, screw this", or "lets just get a drink". Try to live in love, love will keep you open and bring great opportunities your way because Love is infectious, and people and positive energy are drawn to it. Hate however is so easy to fall in to, and it will continually attract more hate your way.
The challenge is made. Go 5 days and then 10 days of being conscious, and let me know if you notice a difference. It's not magic, and it doesn't happen over night. Nothing does. Trust in you.
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